The High Energy Phenomena in Relativistic Outflows (HEPRO) conferences are a series of biennial meetings devoted to the discussion of the most recent theoretical, phenomenological, and observational developments in the field of high-energy phenomena associated with relativistic winds and jets. Previous editions were held in Dublin (2007), Buenos Aires (2009), Barcelona (2011), Heidelberg (2013), La Plata (2015), Moscow (2017), Barcelona (2019), and Paris (2023).

The HEPRO IX edition will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from August 4 to August 8, 2025. Some specific topics covered during the meeting will be gamma-ray and neutrino production in relativistic outflows, multi-wavelength jet emission, formation and propagation of relativistic jets on different scales, PeVatron sources, and particle acceleration in various relativistic contexts.

The sessions will be held in “Casa de Rui Barbosa” in Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The meeting will be hosted by the Centro Brasileño de Investigaciones Físicas (CBPF) and the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía (IAR).


Early Registration: May 31, 2025
Registration closes: ?? 2025

Deadline for abstract submission: March 31, 2025
Conference begins: August 4, 2025